Deleting ("Archiving") a Job
This page cover the fundamentals of removing jobs from your StayOnHire account. This can often be thought of as 'deleting', 'removing' or 'archiving' a job from visible views in your account.
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This page cover the fundamentals of removing jobs from your StayOnHire account. This can often be thought of as 'deleting', 'removing' or 'archiving' a job from visible views in your account.
Last updated
Jobs in StayOnHire cannot be 'deleted' in the traditional sense
Jobs are instead 'archived' into a separate folder
This is intentional, as it allows StayOnHire to:
Increase performance and load speed of calendar pages (by not having to load old jobs)
Retain key company data for future analytics (such as job success rate); and
Never accidentally lose job data via accidental deletion
From the top right-hand side of your account, click the menu option, followed by the option 'Archive job':
If the job currently has active allocations, a popup may appear to prompt you to first remove these allocations. In the picture below, we can see the "BU81" asset is allocated and currently on hire to the job. to resolve this, we must off hire the asset, or delete the BU81 allocation before being able to archive the job.
To delete an asset allocation or position on a job:
Select the position/allocation from the calendar or allocations tab on a job
Click the "Delete position/allocation" option and confirm by clicking the red 'Delete' button