Create a Job
This page covers the standard flow of creating a new job in StayOnHire.
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This page covers the standard flow of creating a new job in StayOnHire.
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In the top right-hand side of you account, click the blue 'Create +' button. Click this and then the option that says 'Job':
Complete each field in the popup that appears:
Once created, your job will now appear on the right-hand side
Assets can be allocated to a job in two simple methods:
Direct allocation (to the job)
'Assets required' table (a list of desired assets)
If you know what asset you want to allocate to a job, assets can be allocated directly to a job:
'Click and drag' the asset onto the relevant job:
The asset will then appear allocated to a job, both in the 'Assets Required' table and in the asset allocation tab.
If you don't yet know what asset you want to allocate to a job, such as when a job is still being tendered or quoted, a list of assets can be built directly to a job through the 'Assets Required' table by adding an 'Asset Position'.
What are 'Asset Position' on a job?
An asset position can be thought of as the obligation you have to provide something to your customer, like a contract. For example:
An Asset "Position" = 1.8t Excavator for $200 per day
An Asset "Allocation" = EX01 added to this position
Why this works:
Take a break down scenario where an asset is swapped out:
If EX01, breaks down and is swapped out for another asset, EX02
This would be an example of the 'Allocation' (EX01) changing
The 'Position' (a 1.8t Excavator for $200 per day) would not change
The customer is paying for the 1.8t position , not the individual asset on the job (EX01 vs EX02)
Click the action button and select 'Add asset/position':
Complete the popup prompting one (or multiple) of this position:
Once added, asset positions will appear in your calendar 'Awaiting Allocation':
Rates can be added to assets on a job using the 'Assets Required' table:
Adding a rate to assets on your job will allow draft invoices to generate automatically:
Accurate time confirmations are critical to ensuring your invoices are generated accurately.
To on confirm the on hire of an asset in your calendar:
Select the asset allocation and click 'On hire':
Confirm when the asset should be on hired from. You will receive (3) common options:
Right now - Use the current date/time
As planned - 'Back date' or 'forward date' the on hire to when it was originally planned
Custom - Set a custom date/time
Once on hired, you will see the allocation become a more 'solid' filled colour in your calendar, and appear with the status "ON HIRE":